Sunday, April 5, 2020


A few weeks ago, I received a brochure for Sight and Sound Theaters.  As I opened the brochure, I realized that Esther would be performed in Lancaster this Spring.   Over the years we have seen many shows at Sight & Sound Theater, all have been amazing! Esther coming to Sight & Sound had me ecstatic!  


I placed this brochure where Jas would obviously see it.  When I saw he moved the brochure, I would re-open it move it back into plain sight.  He obviously was not getting my subtle hints so I had to resort to telling him much I would love to see the show & how it would be a wonderful anniversary gift.  FINALLY, after a couple weeks he ordered the tickets.  

Proverbs 12:25 NIV
 An anxious heart weighs a man down,
 but a kind word cheers him up.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 our anniversary trip was postponed.  I must admit I was/am a little saddened about not being able to go.  I got to thinking about how selfish I was being and how many people have much more to complain about.  The whole world is suffering; it isn’t just about ME.

If you are like me, you have lots to think about isolated in your home.  I am trying not to be anxious but the thought of temporarily shutting down my store and how to handle this situation, the kids being at home stressed over the thought of not going back to school, not being able to see family or friends other than the video chats (at least we have this), and of course the possibility of the virus hitting home are just some of the worrisome thoughts that have stricken me. 

Whining to myself, three women’s names came to me. Three women that back in January & February I had a desire to re-read about them and watch videos/movies on their lives.  If you asked me to pick a female hero, I would have a difficult time deciding which of these three it would be.  These three women didn’t not make it a habit to complain about their hardships, they all trusted God to get them through the trials and despair. Who were these women? Queen Esther, Harriet Tubman, and Corrie ten Boom. 

Queen Esther

Esther is one of my favorite books of the Bible.  From the time I was a small child, I just loved to hear the story of Esther and how she risked her life for her people. If you were to open my Picture Bible to the section about Queen Esther it would be one of the most worn selections.  As a child, I would even imagine myself as Esther when the book was read, or I would watch cartoon about her.

Reading the book of Esther, you learn that not only was Esther beautiful, she was loving and loyal!   

Throughout the book of Esther, God’s name is not mentioned but you see God working through the smallest details and he never abandoned anyone.  (Just some examples of these details:  Esther being a Jewish orphan and raised by Mordecai. King Xerxes kicks his queen out for not obeying his order & searches for a new queen.  Esther is sent away with other eligible women in the land she won the kings favor.  Nobody realizes that Esther is a Jew including her new husband & his advisers.  Esther risked her life (for her people) by trusting God and going in front of her king, King Xerxes, without being invited (which could have gotten her killed being his queen or not). Esther ends up foiling the plan of Haman (the kings top official) to persecute the Jews.) and Mordecai becomes a top official for the king.

Esther’s story shows that when things seem impossible, God can bring about freedom and even redemption!

Harriet Tubman

I was in third grade when I first learned about Harriet Tubman.  Our 3rd grade teacher read a book to us about her and I was instantly fascinated by her and her bravery.

Harriet never turned her back on God or her people.  Born a slave she escaped to freedom following God’s instructions.  Many times, she could have been caught (especially since she suffered from seizures) but God protected her & helped her escape.  Not only did she make it to freedom, she felt the calling to go back and help free more slaves. 

As part of the Underground Railroad, Harriet received the nickname “Moses”.  She made around 13 missions rescuing around 70 enslaved people.  

“Twant me, ‘twas the Lord! I always told him, ‘I trust you.  I don’t know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me,’ and He always did.” -Harriet Tubman

Through the toughest moments in time, Harriet chose to follow God and trusted he was working through her and protecting her.  She could have let fear consume her, but she chose to look toward Christ.

Corrie ten Boom

When I was a child (even to this day) Corrie ten Boom’s story has always fascinated me. I remember reading parts of her story and her book “The Hiding Place” as a kid.  But I felt compelled to re-read the book back in February.

Through this book Corrie talks about her life as a watchmaker.  How she was the first woman licensed watchmaker in the Netherlands.  Corrie tells of how God used the smallest details (ex. her being a watchmaker) to help her and her family save around 800 lives during the Nazi Holocaust during WWII.  Through this book, Corrie told how God helped her family save these lives using something as small as lice to help Corrie and her sister spread His love and to be thankful for everything including things we think are terrible.  There were so many times Corrie and her family could have denounced Christ (especially being sent to the concentration work and death camps) but they remained strong & God’s light showed through the Ten Boom family.  Through Corrie's biography you can see the many miracles God provided to help Corrie and her family. 

“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength”
- Corrie ten Boom

“Worry is a cycle of inefficient thoughts whirling around a center of fear”- Corrie ten Boom

“It is not my ability, but my response to God’s ability, that counts”- Corrie ten Boom


As I look at these three women, their story of selflessness, courage, and strong trust in God through the biggest trials of their lives as well as the lives of the world around them, it makes me admire them all the more!

Right now, I (along with the millions of others) am sitting at home.  My business (our livelihood) is temporarily closed (along with millions of other non-essential businesses around the country); uncertain to when we can re-open because of COVID-19.  Our children are home from school working on-line classwork, the grocery stores are fighting to keep the shelves stocked, healthcare providers and facilities are struggling to keep above water, and the country/world is in panic mode. Again, I admit I get anxious thoughts about this uncharted territory, BUT I must trust that God will help us get through!   Just has God guided the hand of King Xerxes to hold his scepter towards Queen Esther setting  in place the deliverance of the Jews from persecution, as He guided Harriet to freedom then helped her return to save others, and as He helped Corrie and her family through the trials and tribulations they encountered when the Nazis invaded Holland & being with them when they made the choice to be selfless with helping their neighbors. 

Yes, times are tough (not just for me but for everyone) but already I am seeing in my life what is most important and how blessed I am!   

As I said a few times through this blog,  I tend to find myself being more anxious the more I dwell on my anxieties about the future; the news and social media are both overwhelming with their post.  If you find yourself anxious or depressed, try to limit these fears by limiting the news, limiting the social media posts, and by thanking God for what we have as well as what we don’t have.  Also get out your Bible (if you don’t have one download one) and start reading, and just pray.  

Pray for you and your family, the people on the frontlines (medical personnel, grocery store workers, those delivering your packages and mail, etc.…) 

Know you are loved and not alone!  

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16  (KJV) 

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)" 

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV)"

 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:2  (NIV)

As I look at these three women, I am reminded that GOD is in control.  With Him we don’t need to be anxious.  

I have to remember to give thanks for what we have and what we don’t have.  

Reading List

While you are sitting at home with plenty of time on your hands, I recommend some reading for you!  This reading deals with these three amazing ladies.  I only highlighted a few points of their amazing lives, but these stories really place what is important into perspective!  

  • The book of Esther (in the Bible between Nehemiah and Job)
  • “Bound for the Promised Land:  Harriet Tubman”, “Portrait of an American Hero” or “Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom”
  • “The Hiding Place”