Saturday, April 10, 2021


I have so much to be thankful for!  Not only have I been blessed with an amazing family, a beautiful home, the career of my dreams, great friends, but I have been blessed with the gift of LIFE!



Many reading this know about my health struggles over the years and bout with ovarian cancer. However even though I rejoice knowing God removed the cancer from my body, I have another blessing to share.

Migraines have been a nuisance most of my life.  The last six to seven years they have pretty much consumed my life, robbing me of so many important moments. 

Besides praying to God for relief and healing, I have seen countless doctors, tried pretty much every drug on the market, remedies, physical therapy, and even a chiropractor to no avail.  Approximately 90% of each month is spent dealing with these migraines and their aftermath.

A few weeks ago, (Sunday, March 14th to be exact) I woke up with my ears starting to ring, my mind was foggy, I was seeing strobing lights, and the anxiousness began.  I knew what was coming, another migraine. 

This Sunday was different…  With the migraine brewing, I still went to church. During the beginning of the worship service my mind was wandering.  As we were singing “Ever Be” I struggled focusing on the words and God’s presence…  All I could think about was the need to schedule an appointment with my neurologist (it had been some time since my last appointment).  I was thinking maybe there was something new she could try.  (I was at my breaking point again.)  After a few minutes of being distracted I finally was able rein in on the service.

One of the last songs of the service was “See a Victory”.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dear friend (who is one of the church’s prayer warriors) walking towards me.  She stopped and put her arm around me.  With tears in her eyes and an excited (yet shaking) voice says to me, “I do not normally do this, but I feel God pushing me to.  I feel he is telling me that today is the day! As of today, your migraines are going to be gone! “   

As crazy as it may sound to some of you, I chose to believe that God healed me that day!  I believe this healing was granted due to not only my faith to believe in his healing abilities but also the faith of this dear prayer warrior. She had to to put her trust in Him to come out of her "comfort zone" and take an uncomfortable step of faith and share what God put on her heart.

Sometimes it just takes those little steps of faith!

Little did she know that I had a migraine brewing that morning.   She did not know that I was sidetracked during the beginning of the service dwelling on what I needed to do to prevent them.   The rest of the week I was exhausted and went to bed early.  My vision went crazy one day (as it does many times before a migraine attack) but only for a few moments, still NO Migraine!

I have been migraine free for almost a MONTH!  I cannot tell you when the last time was that I went a month without a migraine. What a blessing!!!  God is good!


I Finally Got My "YES"!

Was it the prayer warrior(s) that healed me?  No.  God is the one who heals!

Does God listen to our prayers and those prayer warrior’s prayers?  Yes!

Does God always answer prayers?  YES! 

However, sometimes those answers are not always "Yes".  There are times that he tells us "No" or to "Wait"!

For years I have wondered why these migraines have plagued my life?  I even had a family member tell me that I had cancer and that God was not healing me of the migraines because I probably did not pray enough and needed to pray more.

Did I not pray enough?  Could I have prayed more?  Of course I prayed and could have prayed more, but can’t we all pray more?  That person never walked in my shoes and never should have made a claim like this.  Little did they know, God was answering my prayers at that moment; he answered by saying “Wait!”.  It is God’s timing not mine.

Do I believe I was healed? Yes, I do!

Do I believe that I will never have a migraine again?   I have faith that they will never return. But if they do, having a month or more of this “Clarity” has already been such a GIFT!  I believe I am healed! Although, if God chooses to allow the migraines to return, I must trust he has his reasonings and he is still working.  He never promised that life would be easy, if it was we would forget about him and all he has done.

If you are going through a dark valley, turn to God.  Do not listen to the devil’s lies.  Do not let people pull you down with their opinions on why you are struggling.   Just remember that God will never leave you.  We may not understand why God will not move the mountains that we want him to move.  We must remember He has a plan and knows what is best for us.

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