Monday, September 12, 2016

A Little Bit of Stubborn Spunk with Those Fries...

From the time I was a young child I always had to be on the move.  Growing up we didn't have a television in our house until I was in fifth grade.  That television was not hooked up to anything but an antenna for local channels to watch the news and to a VCR to watch movies.  This gave me a chance to ride bike or run up and down our street, swing for hours, lay under the clouds using my imagination to see what images the clouds would form, jump rope, play basket ball, basically to just be a kid.  This is so unlike many kids today, stuck in the "electronic world".  

I was a "perfect" child who never got into trouble; you can ask my parents. Ha Ha.  Okay, I had my moments.   IF my brother and I (he is about seven years older than I) got ourselves into trouble and were disciplined for it, mine was different than his.  He got paddled (which was rare because he really was a good kid) and I was stood in the corner.  Not because my parents loved me more... It was because it worked best for us.  He could have sat or stood in a corner for hours but the paddle was more effective.  I begged my mom to paddle my butt so that the punishment would have been DONE & OVER, standing in the corner was TORCHER & BORING; but nope she knew this was the most effective method for me.  

When I step in the house where my grandparents lived, the memories flow back.  We joke about my permanent nose mark in the corner by the basement door.  And I laugh because I can still see my brother running circles around the kitchen and living room to get away from my mom and the paddle.  
I am one that has a hard time sitting still, I almost get anxious if I am cooped up for too long.  So when I was stuck in my house last year after surgery, I felt like I was under "house arrest".  My mother was  stuck to me like glue (granted she was wonderful) but I couldn't even lift a finger without getting in trouble.  When I finally got the "go ahead" to start working out and going to work I felt like I "BROKE FREE"!  It felt wonderful and I definitely tested my limits and probably did way too much (which everyone was worried about).  When I did too much,  ohhh I felt it!   

I had many people keeping me "straight" from my wonderful hubby, to my kids, to my momma (who spent pretty much every day at the house), to my dad, and in-laws, as well as my best friends, and then there was Bobbi Jo...  Love her...  

Bobbi Jo definitely tried to keep me straight and well still does.  There were times that she would check in on me everyday and sometimes a few times a day to see how I was feeling.  Like my mother, she could somehow miraculously tell if I had "overdone it"!  There would be days that she knew I was doing too much, so she would say something like "I sure hope you are resting sweetie..."  and her heart is just so full of love and concern.  So in order to assure her I was fine and resting, I would send her a picture of me "resting".  (Like this one.)  

When I was told by my doctor that I could "start to work back to running" meaning WALK,  Jason & my mom were not the only ones who worried about that; Bobbi Jo was I think just as worried if not more concerned! Everyone knew that once I was cut loose and I wasn't going to look back.  

At one point, Bobbi Jo threatened to come to my house and take all my sneakers away because she felt I was over doing it.  So I told her she would have to find them all or I could just go in my bare feet.  And we would both just laugh.  But she definitely helped keep me somewhat grounded and still does! 


As of now you all know I love to run.  Running is my outlet.  

I get my hubby out with me and he loves it just as much as I do.  Okay, now I am lying!  He loathes it! But he does it because he LOVES ME!  and look he has a smile on his face.  And I am a nice wifey and maybe I occasionally bribe him  with a nice Bunny Burger and Fries (maybe this actually happened twice) with extra Bunny Dust from the Red Rabbit (a local drive-in traditional food restaurant).  (Kinda like those pictures you see on social media with the women running because there is a bottle of wine dangling in front of them, haha...)

Snow, sleet, rain, sweltering heat, it doesn't matter I love to run in it all.  Well I have always suffered with migraines.  These migraines can be so severe that I feel I can barely function, I sometimes lose my vision or get tunnel vision, I get nauseous, feel so weak, my head feels like it is going to pop off my body, my brain is in a complete fog, and I just want to sleep for years (and I get so may other symptoms).    I have over the years learned to just DEAL.  SMILE. Act as though everything is fine.  (During my the whole ordeal last year even my doctor and nurses had no idea I was in a full migraine attack.  Like I said I can hide it well.  When you have a family and business to run there is no time to be sick.  (I have to say after my momma came to one of my appointments the doctor was clued in on what my mother calls my "tells" of when I am sick (and I could/can no longer get away with it).)  
Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Lately, I pretty much have a migraine every day. The severity is different.  My meds are adjusted so if my vision goes it tends to only be for moments not for hours for the day. But I still run; if  I didn't I wouldn't ever be able to run.  There are times in the straight areas when no one is around I have to close my eyes so I don't toss my cookies.  As my feet hit the ground the pounding in the head can be so much more intense but it is what it is... Once I am done, I tend to feel a tad better.

But right now I am really bummed because I am on day FOUR, yes FOUR of not running because of this!
Ugh...  I am NOW WHINING!!!!!

Normally, nothing can stop me even the darn migraines,  I will find a way.  WELL THIS DID!

Well originally when I did this, a week ago,  I was hit on the inside of the ankle by a flying field hockey ball and the ankle looked like this.  I babied the ankle all night, icing it on and off  into the next morning;the swelling went down!  It was stiff but I ran five miles on it the next evening (although it was sore at first, then turning into pain three quarters of the way through my run) &  it swelled up again, so I iced it. Again, the swelling receded and the pain decreased; I ran on it the following day.  Each day after seemed better and better.  It was as good as new, until I started playing field hockey against my whole youth team (almost a week later).  I would say I aggravated it a tad during that little scrimmage.  

Even as I am typing this blog, I am trying to think up ways of how I can go for a run with this bummed ankle. Like maybe if I wrap the ankle tighter and make it a shorter run because the swelling is down.  What if I just use Mr. Elliptical today that shouldn't jar anything, right?  Or maybe I will just ride my bike.....  I am such a genius, soooo smart right?  Well I have never said that I was smart!  

I guess I will Slow Down, TODAY.

Last year before I got sick, I remember we were so busy going from point A-Z that we didn't have time to stop and even breathe.  I remember saying to my friends "I just wish I had a day to stay home." (Wish granted. I had many days at home.)  Sometimes, I feel that we just need to slow down our busy lives and stop and smell the roses.  This just maybe my time to stop and smell those roses.  So I will stop being stubborn and rest this ankle as to not make it worse;  I don't want to be out of commission any longer than need be.  Maybe swimming will be the workout of choice today.

And when things don't go my way, I need to stop having a pity-party and be thankful for all that I have!  God has blessed me with my life & health, my family, and friends.  

Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 
 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 

 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

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