Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Little Big Things


It has been a crazy start of 2017. It has started off with dealing with the change in health insurance & fighting with them to get approvals for tests, medications, and procedures. Then our middle daughter, Alex, was hit in the head with a soccer ball at recess causing a mild concussion (which will lead into why I am writing this), our youngest daughter, Kori, ended up breaking a tooth and needed to see the oral surgeon to have it & another removed (thankfully they are baby teeth). Then a week later, I had an outpatient procedure done.   No wonder we are already through January and almost through February, with running around with all these appointments for the girls and myself not including the rest of what life entails (New Years Parties, work, school, sports, dance, grocery shopping, birthday parties,  Junior Bible Quiz practice and matches, etc...).  

Thankful for the soccer ball to the head

Sometimes I feel God gives us warning signs and we either listen or we don't. Reminding me of the movie "Bruce Almighty" when Bruce is asking God for a sign and God has placed plenty of signs in front of him but Bruce fails to open his eyes even though he is begging for a sign.

Well our daughter, Alex, for the last few months had been complaining off and on about having a headache.  (She is not one to complain.)  We would treat the headache and assume it was sinuses, allergies, or some other logical reason and she would be fine.  I hoped and prayed she was not turning into me with the migraines.  She would also complain about ankle pain when she didn't even seem to do anything to the ankle. 

One day she was hit on the head by a soccer  ball during a game of dodge ball &  she came home complaining of a severe headache. She whined all afternoon and evening about her head (even after applying an ice pack the head and taking Tylenol).  We kept checking on her all night but the pain just wouldn't subside, so the next day I took her to see the doctor.  While at the doctor's appointment, I spoke to him about her reoccurring headaches.

We discussed what maybe causing these headaches.  Could it be hormonal, could it be her not wearing her glasses, could it be allergy related...or could it possibly be Lyme disease, or something else?   

I was praying for an easy fix! I don't want her to suffer with migraines like me.  That would just breaking my heart.  

If the headaches were from her not wearing her glasses, that's an easy fix! Allergies would be a pain but at least we could maybe adjust her medications and hopefully her headaches would subside.

Then there is the Lyme... Our family is very active. We are always outside. The kids play outside all year, we like to hike and bike.  She also goes hunting with her daddy. Given all of this and the area we live there was a strong likelihood she had Lyme.   

But if she was checked for Lyme and that came back clear  what could it be? 

Well blood work was done... and sure enough she was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. 

So here is my plea to you 

Never once did I find a tick on her or a bulls-eye. I check my girls thoroughly when they come in from playing outside. 
Thankfully my husband and I started paying attention to the signs that I feel God was placing before us and we brought it to her doctor's attention and had her tested for Lyme.  She was started on antibiotics immediately and thankfully it looks as though it was caught early enough that there shouldn't be any residual affects.

Alex was complaining of constant headaches before we realized anything was going on. And looking back she also had other symptoms like ankle pain and muscle-aches and stomach issues.  

So be an advocate for yourself or your child. Make sure if there are symptoms you speak up and look into them. 

Some Early Symptoms of LYME Disease.

  • In the first stage, you may have a rash (erythema migrans ) at the site of the tick bite. You may also have a lack of energy or a headache and stiff neck. Sometimes people have no symptoms at this stage.
  • In the second stage, symptoms may include memory problems and pain and weakness in the arms and legs.
  • In the third stage, symptoms may include swelling and pain (like arthritis) in the joints, not being able to control facial muscles, and numbness and tingling in the hands, feet, or back.

Proverbs 3:5-6   Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

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