Thursday, August 18, 2016

Difficult Times

I love running; it is "Soothing to the Soul"  (how I like to sum running up to everyone).   Running to me is my outlet helping me to  release anxiety and stress.  If I go out on my own, it  is my one on one time with God.    I listen to music, take in his beautiful artistry, meditate and pray, whatever...

This morning I started my run a little later than normal.  As I was running so many thoughts and feelings were creeping over me.  I was so overwhelmed with emotions.  From my constant pain I am still having, to thinking about my grandmother being in the hospital and not doing well, to friends and acquaintances of mine struggling with cancer and other issues. The song "The Eye Of The Storm" by Ryan Stevenson started playing as I started running towards this beautiful painting from God in front of me.  (The picture you see above.)  My emotions really got the best of me.  I had to take a picture. 

As I was taking the picture and continuing my run, I thought "Sometimes this road we call 'life' can have it's difficult times, pain, and sorrow.  I don't always understand why but sometimes when I allow myself to open up & develop an even closer relationship with The Divine, the issues don't necessary go away; but the peace and comfort I find is what is so soothing to the soul."

 You may be surprised that if you asked me, "Would you go though 2015 again?" what my answer would be...  My answer would be Yes, if I had to I would. Would I want to, no but I still would do it..  Why would my answer be yes?  Because, although it was probably one of the worst years of my life, I learned so much about myself.  I thought that I had a faith but I can't explain how I really felt God's presents like no other time in my life!  I realized how strong I actually am.  I realized how amazing my husband really is... (I knew he was amazing but he far exceeded my expectations).  My relationships with my family strengthened.  I live in a community that is small and it ended up that it really isn't as small as it looks it has the biggest heart. I also look at is as there is always someone out there that had it far worse than I did.  And IF what I went through (my story) can help just ONE person it will all have been worth it! 

Your sadness may last for a night, but joy will come in the morning.  (Psalm 30:5)

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